Share Content Published February 12, 2016 RD-160212119 A Black-throated Sparrow (Amphispiza bilineata) male perched in a Creosote bush (FLarrea tridentata) in the Sonoran Desert (Arizona) american sparrows amphispiza amphispiza bilineata animal arizona aves bird black-throated sparrow creosote creosote bush emberizidae larrea larrea tridentata magnoliophyta magnoliopsida north america passeriformes passerine plantae sapindales songbird sonoran desert sparrow sparrows usa vertebrata vertebrate zygophyllaceae
Share Content Published May 16, 2015 RD-150516043 A Brown-crested Flycatcher (Myiarchus tyrannulus) perching in a creosote bush while hunting for insects in the Sonoran Desert (Arizona) animal arizona aves bird brown-crested flycatcher cactus creosote creosote bush flycatcher larrea larrea tridentata magnoliophyta magnoliopsida myiarchus myiarchus tyrannulus north america passeriformes passerine plantae plants sapindales songbird sonoran desert tyrannidae tyrant flycatcher usa vertebrata vertebrate zygophyllaceae